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Information technology (IT) is the use of computers to store, retrieve, transmit, work and process data or information, often in the context of a business or other enterprise. Information Technology is considered a subset of information and communication technology (ICT).

The IT manager is responsible for every step to be taken in the field of information technologies. It should plan the forward-looking IT budget, inform the administrative staff about the existing equipment, supervise and train the employees, and actively serve if the workforce is needed.

Information Technology; It affects almost every activity we do, including online shopping, learning, going to the doctor, banking and eating out. Communication technology, on the other hand, allows messages to be transmitted quickly. The importance of Information Technologies is the use of computer and communication technologies together.

Thanks to technology, people have had more comfortable living conditions and they have been able to do their jobs faster and more comfortably. Thanks to the internet network, information from one end of the world can be accessed within seconds. Thanks to technological developments in the field of medicine, human lifespan has extended.